Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The RAFairman Competition

To celebrate the launch of this blog, with the help of 7644(VR) Sqn RAF, and Character Options Ltd the RAFairman Blog would like to announce the @RAFairman competition.

The prize has been kindly donated by Character Options Ltd, and is quite frankly far more than I had ever hoped for.

It's your chance to win your own RAFairman!*

Not only that, you can win his Harrier Fast Jet VTOL aircraft as well.  This prize is worth over £50 and will make you the most popular member of your family this Christmas - if you have kids (or even if you don't!)

To win this amazing prize you need to be able to answer this simple question:

In what year was the Harrier first introduced into RAF service?

(As a bit of a hint you could have a read about the Harrier here.)

To enter the competition you need to email RAFairman at this address with "RAFairman Competition" in the subject line. In the body of the email you need to put your name and (if under 18 your age - you also MUST have your parent/guardians permission to enter) and the correct answer.  If you have a Twitter account you should also include your username. The competition closes AT MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 15th NOVEMBER.

The rules:

  1. The winner will be pulled at random from an RAF Beret by my Boss on Monday 16th November. The Winners name will be posted on this blog shortly after.
  2. To enter you must supply your full name. Twitter usernames/nicknames will not be entered into the draw.  Only one entry per email account is allowed.
  3. The competition closes at midnight on Sunday 15th November.  Emails received AFTER this time will not be entered into the draw.
  4. If you have supply a Twitter username - you agree to being "followed" on Twitter by @RAFairman.  If you do not wish to be followed on Twitter, please don't supply your username.
  5. If you are lucky enough to be under 18 then you must have your parent/guardians permission to enter.
  6. The Winner will win the "HM Armed Forces RAF Fast Jet Pilot Action Figure and the H.M. Armed Forces RAF Fast Attack V.T.O.L Jet" as supplied by Character Options Ltd
  7. The winner will also be notified by email as a reply to the competition entry email.  No other accounts will be used.
  8. Sorry, but due to the size of the prize entry is limited to UK (and BFPO) residents only.
  9. The winner will be drawn at random and no correspondance will be entered into.
Good Luck!

*Yeah, I know the REAL @RAFairman is a Sergeant, and this chap is going to be a Flight Lieutenant, but just go with it ok? I don't have a Harrier either, but I don't hear you mentioning that. In fact going home for the weekend would be a WHOLE lot easier if I did have. Mind you I don't think it'd fit in the garden...

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